Estate Planning

Building a legacy is one thing. Ensuring your wishes are honoured is another.

Estate planning protects you, your loved ones and assets, and is relevant at every stage of life. It’s about leaving a legacy that will keep your loved ones secure in their future and ensuring your wishes are carried out in the way you intended.

It can be difficult to think about end of life or being incapacitated, but estate planning is not about your mortality – it’s about protecting what you worked and sacrificed for – your legacy.

Documenting your wishes now, means leaving less to chance once you are gone. It also ensures that your loved ones are not left to deal with unintended tax or legal difficulties.

Estate planning is a critical stage of your financial journey.

Using and end-to-end solution called Yodal, we can streamline the entire planning process from initial assessment to finalisation by an experienced estate planning legal professional – a real person.

What is an Estate Plan?

An estate plan is a strategy or plan for how your assets should be distributed after you die. These assets can include everything from your home and savings accounts to your car, furniture and even jewellery. It’s important to note that your super balance and insurance proceeds are not part of your estate by default and will need to be considered separately.

Why Should I Create an Estate Plan?

An estate plan ensures that your assets are distributed among the people and organisations of your choosing. It’s essentially a roadmap for how your assets should be dealt with when you’re no longer there to take charge. If you don’t have a will and estate plan in place at the time of your death, your assets will be distributed in line with the intestacy laws of your state.

When Should I Start Estate Planning?

While many people wait until retirement or beyond, estate planning should be a consideration for every stage of life. This could include everything from acquiring assets, changing insurance, and purchasing property to getting married, having kids and even travelling. Basically, whenever things in life change, you should have an up-to-date estate plan that reflects those circumstances.